
The Ibex 35 has risen 1.39% to 9,304.30 points, after closing at the highs of the day. After rebounding on Wednesday, when it was announced that Donald Trump postponed tariffs on European cars, the rates of the Old Continent have extended their rebound. Although there is still a great uncertainty about the future of the trade war between China and the US.

  • 11.659,200
  • 0,35%

Among the most bullish values, Ferrovial (+ 3.33%) and Técnicas Reunidas (+ 3.28%), which has quoted upwards after presenting its latest quarterly results. Also stanting out positively: Santander (+ 2.06%), BBVA (+ 1.98%), Naturgy (+ 1.85%) and Inditex (+ 1.66%).

In negative, very few titles. Acciona (-2.93%) was the most bearish, followed by IAG (-1.3%), which was news because the Citadel fund bought 1% of the airline's capital.

In addition, there is still talking about Liberbank (-1.88%), Unicaja and the merger that has collapsed in the end. The market already speculates with an operation between Liberbank and Abanca, while the future of Unicaja (0%) is more diffuse.

Also at the business level, Generali or Thomas Cook have published accounts. The British has plummeted close to 15% after multiplying its losses by almost four.


The chairman of the 1922 Committee (the management of the 'Tories'), Graham Brady, has announced that they have reached an agreement with the prime minister. "We had a frank exchange with her," he assured after a closed-door meeting with May. In it, the prime minister has committed to open the process of succession after the fourth vote on Brexit, to be held in the British parliament in the week of June 3.


"Trump is driving the markets at this time almost without help from anyone," says Jasper Lawler, director of analysis at London Capital Group. During the last day, Bloomberg reported that the White House is not going to decide anything, for now, on tariffs for car producers in Europe and the markets reacted clearly upwards.

Wall Street ended up closing with increases of between 0.5% and 1% on Wednesday and in Asia there has been a dominance of the green numbers this dawn. In addition, Trump has announced that it will ban Huawei from selling technology in the United States and the New York Stock Exchange is up more than 1%.

In other markets, Brent oil rose 1.7% to 73.01 dollars. In addition, the euro fell in value by 0.21% to $ 1,1176. For its part, the risk premium of Spain drops to 100 points, while the yield of the Spanish 10-year bond is relaxed to 0.91%.


"Third consecutive session of rises and from the lows of Monday (9,025) have already risen 3%, this is the rebound we were expecting, the daily oversold is still important and, in theory, this gives us some space to continue climbing positions in the next sessions, although I cannot believe that the weekly bearish hole of 9,410 points, which is where the real resistance is, can be closed this Friday, "says José María Rodríguez, an analyst at Bolsamanía.

"Although on the stock exchange and at the rate Trump is tweeting at, everything is possible, only closing that weekly bearish hole will cancel the bearish rift that began on Monday last week, now everything continues to fit within a simple rebound (or reaction phase) to previous falls ", adds this expert.

"Taking into account another of the great values ​​of our market, Santander, we are left with the impeccable rebound from the 61.8% adjustment / retracement of the whole rise from the December lows: at 4.05 euros. This leaves the door open to the possibility that the price has corrected proportionally all the previous rises, albeit in a violent way. Or what is the same, that the fall to the area of ​​4.05 euros fits within the normal parameters ", concludes Rodríguez.

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