bolsamadrid valores ibex portada

The Ibex continues to fall this Thursday (-1.33%. 7,107 points). This, given the new avalanche of results in the Spanish market. Telefónica, BBVA, Siemens Gamesa, Liberbank, ArcelorMittal all published results this morning and in all cases, Covid is the clear protagonist of the reports, with semi-annual losses or significant falls in net profit due to the pandemic. BBVA plunged at around 4% and is the worst value of the selective. For its part, ArcelorMittal is one of the few that rise, with increases of more than 4%.

  • 11.953,200
  • 1,36%

BBVA lost 11bn in the semester after the deterioration of US goodwill registered in the first quarter and due to the effect of Covid, which has led it to endow 644 million euros in the second quarter.

As for Telefónica, which falls more than 2% in the stock market, it gained 53.5% less in the first half after a second quarter affected by the virus, which has had a clear effect on both revenue and OIBDA. Even so, the company has confirmed short and medium-term forecasts and has confirmed the dividend. Telefónica has taken advantage of the publication of results to announce the sale of its subsidiary in Costa Rica to Liberty for 425 million and to announce that it has committed, under the Digital Pact, to have 100% of Spain covered with fiber by 2025.

Outside our country Volkswagen or Credit Suisse published their results.

As for the meeting of the Federal Reserve (Fed), whose conclusions were known yesterday, with the European exchanges closed, the agency promised to keep its bond purchases and the series of loan and liquidity programs aimed at propping up the economy amid the consequences of the coronavirus. The central bank warned that although activity had recovered from its lowest point, the United States economy remains well below pre-pandemic levels and will largely depend on the course of the virus.

Regarding the virus, it should be noted that Brazil reported a daily record of 69,000 new cases on Wednesday, while deaths from the virus in the US have increased for three consecutive weeks and new spikes have been seen in parts of China, Australia and Spain. continental.

As for the macro data of the day, today the unemployment rate of the euro zone and GDP in the US will be known. In Spain, the CPI falls again and falls three tenths in July, down to -0.6%.
