bolsamadrid valores ibex portada

The Ibex returns is in doubt on Thursday (-0.2%. 7,006 points) after reacting to the rise yesterday, along with the rest of Europe, encouraged by the rebound on Wall Street. Within the selective, the falls in Bankia or Telefónica stand out. Today investors are very aware of Christine Lagarde and her words in the framework of the monetary policy meeting of the European Central Bank (ECB), undoubtedly the appointment of the day.

  • 11.953,200
  • 1,36%

"We do not expect any major change in the policy stance of the ECB. We will listen carefully to the responses of ECB President Lagarde to any questions about the new average inflation target from the Federal Reserve (Fed), although we expect her to only say that the The ECB has taken note of the Fed's decision and that it will not draw any early conclusions, "say the experts at Danske Bank. The analyst consensus does not foresee changes in monetary policy until the December meeting, according to a Bloomberg survey.

As for the rest, technology rebounded yesterday on Wall Street after the hit from the previous day and that has reassured investors. Companies rose 3% on average "as a reflection of the improvement in the mood of the market", added from Danske Bank.

On the other hand, Brexit continues to be the protagonist after the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, presented new legislation in Parliament yesterday in which it explicitly recognizes that the United Kingdom intends not to comply with what has been signed with the European Union (EU) in the Withdrawal Agreement, especially regarding the Irish border, which has confirmed Brussels' fears and adds another pothole to trade talks.

At the macro level, the calendar today brings the weekly unemployment claims in the US. Economists expect 850,000 new requests, down from 881,000 last week.

Finally, as regards the technical aspect of the Ibex, today it has its first resistance at 7,300 points and the first support at 6,788 points. "The lateral movement of the last weeks is maintained, although we must bear in mind that it is very close to support", warns César Nuez, analyst at Bolsamanía and head of Trader Watch.

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