Las estrellas de Marvel, de la televisión y otros famosos apoyan a un niño que se hace viral tras explicar como sufre «bullying» en la escuela
La historia de un joven de Tennessee llamado Keaton Jones ha provocado un alud de mensajes de famosos en Twitter e Instagram. La madre del joven grabó a este en su coche tras recogerle de la escuela en la que sufre acoso escolar a diario y luego publicó el vídeo en Facebook, haciendo que el niño se haya vuelto viral con su mensaje y provocando que todos las celebridades hayan decidido enviar su mensaje de apoyo.
Entre lágrimas Keaton Jones afirma que se burlan de su nariz, lo llaman feo y le dicen que no tiene amigos, mientras su madre, Kimberly Jones, lo graba y le pregunta porque cree que le pasa eso.
El crío se va abriendo cada vez más, y relata que incluso las cosas se vuelven físicas a la hora de comer, cuando los agresores le tiran leche por la cabeza y lanzan su comida.
“Solo por curiosidad, ¿por qué intimidan? ¿De qué sirve? “, le pregunta ella. “¿Por qué les alegra molestar a personas inocentes y encontrar la manera de ser malo con ellas? No está bien”, concluye ella.
Keaton dice que también siente mucha pena por otros que sufren situaciones similares. “No me gusta que me lo hagan a mí”, dice. “Y a mí, por supuesto, no me gusta que lo hagan con otras personas, ¡porque no está bien! “, le dice muy enojado a su madre. “Las personas que son diferentes no necesitan ser criticadas por eso. No es su culpa”, relata.
Junto al emotivo video, la madre de Keaton escribió: “Para que conste, Keaton me pidió que hiciera esto DESPUÉS de que hiciera que lo recogiera de nuevo porque tenía miedo de ir a almorzar”.
“Mis hijos no son en absoluto perfectos y en casa, él es como todos los niños, pero en general es bueno en la escuela”, escribió. “Incluso tengo amigos que me dijeron que hay otros niños que son amables con él y le ayudan para que se relacione con la gente. Todos sabemos cómo se siente querer pertenecer, pero solo unos pocos saben cómo se siente realmente no pertenecer a ningún lado”.
Inmediatamente, el mensaje de Keaton se hizo viral, llamando la atención de varias celebridades que quisieron dedicarle mensajes y ofrecer su apoyo.
“Keaton, esto es muy exacto”, escribió la estrella de Stranger Things, Millie Bobby Brown en Twitter. “¿Por que las personas hacen esto? ¡Creo que eres tan genial Keaton! Quiero ser tu amiga.
Pero la joven que da vida a Eleven en la serie de Netflix, no ha sido la única que le ha apoyado, las estrellas de Los Vengadores, Mark Ruffalo y Chris Evans también le enviaron mensajes de apoyo e incluso le han invitado a la premiere de la próxima de sus películas. Además, estos otros mensajes de famosos han invadido las redes sociales:
#KeatonJones, your curiosity and kindness will overcome this moment and bring you many better days to come. #StandWithKeaton
— Ryan Seacrest (@RyanSeacrest) December 10, 2017
Stay strong, Keaton. Don’t let them make you turn cold. I promise it gets better. While those punks at your school are deciding what kind of people they want to be in this world, how would you and your mom like to come to the Avengers premiere in LA next year?
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) December 10, 2017
Little buddy, I was bullied when I was a kid. You are right #ItGetsBetter! You are my own personal super hero. Protect Yo Heart. You got a pal in the Hulk.
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) December 10, 2017
Keaton-Don't waste time wondering why a bully would be so mean-They're sad people who think hurting others will make them feel better because they really don't like themselves-They're just jealous because you're so smart & handsome❤️Your friend-mh
— @HamillHimself (@HamillHimself) December 10, 2017
We hear you #KeatonJones. I was bullied constantly growing up. And could never have put into words what you have. It does get better. And it gets better because of who are and what you know and how you share it with all of us. Thank you for your courage.
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Prueba gratis Prime Video— Patrick J Adams (@halfadams) December 9, 2017
@Lakyn_Jones Keaton, this is so accurate. Why do people do this? I think your sooo cool Keaton! I wanna be your friend ( but srsly) ur freakin awesome ❤️
— Millie Bobby Brown (@milliebbrown) December 9, 2017
Hey #KeatonJones, YOU are my HERO! Keaton, BULLIES are COWARDS! YOU‘RE AMAZING. Thank you for this "Why do they bully?" MESSAGE PLS WATCH & RT with #standwithkeaton
— Greg Grunberg (@greggrunberg) December 10, 2017
.@lakyn_jones Hey Keaton, bullies are the ones with the problems NOT you. Many are bullied at home and pass it on. Cowards always need an audience. Be strong! I’ll come walk the hall and eat lunch with you anytime. #IstandwithKeaton #Keatonstrong #KeatonJones
— Dr. Phil (@DrPhil) December 10, 2017
. I need Keaton Jones to appear on Chrisley Knows best , this Kid can change the world and I wanna help him do it .. #keatonbecomesachrisley let’s make this happen .. everyone use the hashtag .
— Todd Chrisley (@toddchrisley) December 10, 2017
Dear Keaton Jones, hopefully you see this. Your an amazing soul my man, never let ANYONE tell you otherwise! Keep your head up & chest out. Your a solider, always remember that.
— DeAndre Washington (@dwa5hington) December 10, 2017
RT I can’t imagine how busy Keaton Jones & his family are but I’d love to say hello, thank you, I’m proud of you & me & @SeanUnfiltered want to send to The Cotton Bowl. @Lakyn_Jones @The_UnSilent_ #StandWithKeaton
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) December 10, 2017
Hey @Lakyn_Jones – #KeatonJones’s mom. My name is NickStevenson. I’m an actor. I’m inviting U2come see me n my fellow actors @zachtheatre in #TheCuriousIncident…end of Jan-March in Austin. I will organize u and #superKeaton, airfare n accommodation. #Nomorebullying #plzsayyes!
— TheRealNickStevenson (@nickstevenson11) December 10, 2017
This is heartbreaking. But the response of support for him is a beautiful thing. Add me to your long list of friends Keaton.
— Ralph Dale Earnhardt Jr. (@DaleJr) December 10, 2017
Tuesday, Feb.6, 7pm, the Vols come to Lexington. I’d love for you to be my guest at @Rupp_Arena if you and the family have any interest in making the trip. Stay strong buddy! Thank you, Keaton, for being an inspiration of the strength for us all.
— Tod Lanter (@tod_lanterIII) December 10, 2017
Keaton- hang in there. Keep studying and never lose sight of your dreams. I was bullied and called fat. It gets better. Your bullies have been hurt somehow and that is why they need to hurt. They will fade away. Adventure is out there. #Keatonjones
— Ed Asner (@TheOnlyEdAsner) December 10, 2017
You are amazing #KeatonJones. It will get better .You are not alone . And yes, IT IS NOT RIGHT. Hang in there . 💖🙌
— Donna Murphy (@DMurphyOfficial) December 10, 2017
Stay strong #KeatonJones.. you are an amazingly brave soul – thank you for sharing. It will get better. Those that bully are insecure and karma always comes around.
— Lenny Jacobson (@Lennyjacobson) December 9, 2017
Keaton I, along with my @CSUFootball and @packers brothers wanted you to know that we stand against bullying. @Lakyn_Jones #StandWithKeaton
— Bernard Blake (@BamBam_Blake23) December 10, 2017
Hey have so many friends & supporters out here..& we have your back, dear one! You are fearfully & wonderfully made..& His works are WONDERFUL, we know that for sure. And You. Are. Too! Keep standing up…there’s God & all your new friends standing behind you😉.
— Heather Headley (@heatherheadley) December 10, 2017
Keaton jones you are a hero. This extremely raw and real moment has brought hope and truth to so many people. Be you and be forever fearless. Never give up. You are loved!
— kevin jonas (@kevinjonas) December 10, 2017
Hey @Lakyn_Jones, I'm producing a film next summer in TN. Would love to have you and Keaton come spend a day on set with me! #StandWithKeaton
— chase crawford (@chsecrwfrd) December 10, 2017
I’m so Sad and angry like I’m OD hot 😡😪Please teach your kids not to be bullies .Teach them how to be tough 👊🏽but not too pick on others
— iamcardib (@iamcardib) December 10, 2017
Keaton… you got a friend in me.#KeatonJones
— Billy Baldwin (@BillyBaldwin) December 10, 2017
Keaton, I'm sorry those kids are being so mean. Unless people like that change they will end up having unhappy lives. I think you're cool!
— Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) December 9, 2017
Oh sweet boy. We see you. You are not alone.
— Idina Menzel (@idinamenzel) December 10, 2017
I love him—— To Keaton Jones …you are a totally amazing person with a great future ahead of you! Don’t let ANY unhappy person bring you down!! I support u- let’s END BULLYING!!!! Sending ❤️to you !!!
— Carnie Wilson (@CarnieWilson) December 10, 2017
Hi @Lakyn_Jones, could you pass this message along to Keaton? ❤
— Hailee Steinfeld (@HaileeSteinfeld) December 10, 2017
I love this boy and I’ve never met him. You are brave and beautiful just as you are, don’t ever let others define who you are. Bullies are insecure and ignorant. Words create emotional poison, don’t listen to them so that poison doesn’t ever get to your pure heart ❤️
— Eva Longoria Baston (@EvaLongoria) December 10, 2017