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The end of the short-term ban weighs more than the 'vaccine effect' and the Ibex yields 2.51%

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 19 may, 2020 10:16 - Actualizado: 19 may, 2020

The losses have been imposed this Tuesday throughout Europe, also on the Ibex, after the sharp rises of the last day. The Spanish selective, which has started the day with increases of more than 1%, has finally given up 2.51%. Within the index, notable falls have been noted in some banks, such as Sabadell (-11.87%) or Bankia (-11.13%) in Siemens Gamesa (-6.76%) -after a recommendation cut by Goldman Sachs- , in Ence (-6.77%), in Telefónica (-9.43%) ... All of them have plummeted between 6% and 11%.