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A bullish closing for the Ibex, but far from intraday highs and with a weekly drop of 2.8%

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 17 abr, 2020 10:06 - Actualizado: 17 abr, 2020

The Ibex 35 has rises 1.66% to 6,875.80 points, after scoring an intraday high of 7,000 points in the best moments of the day, due to initial optimism about a treatment against the virus. Investors have entered the market after the news of a promising drug from the American company Gilead, which shoots up 10% on the Nasdaq after announcing that it has conducted a trial with a drug that has proven effective against the coronavirus. However, optimism has cooled in the later part of the day, as Wall Street is not rising with the joy of other days.