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Ibex (+ 1.6%) closes at annual highs thanks to reports over possible coronavirus vaccine

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 05 feb, 2020 09:49 - Actualizado: 05 feb, 2020

The Ibex 35 and the rest of European stocks have registered strong gains amid positive news about the coronavirus. Scientists in the United Kingdom have said there could be a vaccine and Chinese universities say they have found a cure. From the WHO, however, they have warned that there is still no effective therapy. The Spanish selective has risen 1.62% and has marked a new annual maximum at 9,717.80 points (the previous one was marked on January 2 at 9,691 at closing prices). Within the index, we highlight the strong increases in IAG, which has benefited from this good news about China, and also those of Siemens Gamesa (+ 6%), CaixaBank (+ 4%) and Ence (+ 6%).