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The Ibex rises more than 1% and touches the 9,700 points thanks to China and the US

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 16 dic, 2019 09:35 - Actualizado: 16 dic, 2019

The European stock exchanges have moved forward on Monday (Ibex: + 1.22%. 9,680 points; Cac: + 1.33%; Dax: + 0.98%; Ftse 100: + 2.62%) after it has confirmed that both the US and China have canceled the tariffs scheduled for December 15. The news in this regard propelled the stocks on Friday, together with the triumph of Boris Johnson in the United Kingdom, and their confirmation continues to serve as a catalyst. The Ibex seeks to mark new annual highs at closing prices after doing so on Friday intraday. The resistance is at 9,581.9 points.