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The push of the Fed is not enough for the Ibex to recover the 9,000 points

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 03 mar, 2020 09:52 - Actualizado: 03 mar, 2020

Ibex 35 has risen just over 0.8% (8,811 points) on Tuesday. The surprise announcement of the Federal Reserve of the United States (Fed) to lower 50 points interest rates has been well received at the beginning and boosted it 2% initially however it has not lasted and the Ibex started deflating shortly after that. It has closed away from the 9,000 points it had reached at one point during the session, it has risen over 3%. The Fed's decision comes after the G7 has met and acknowledged that it is ready to act against the coronavirus, although without announcing the specific measures expected by the market.