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The Ibex (-0.3%) reduces its initial losses after rebounding from 9,000 points

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 25 sep, 2019 09:52 - Actualizado: 25 sep, 2019

The Ibex 35 (-0.36%; 9,085.30 points) has managed to react from 9,000 points and has limited its fall. All this after Wall Street ended on Tuesday with significant cuts of -0.8% on average and that in Asia the red numbers have also dominated. The Democrats have initiated a formal investigation for an impeachment procedure on Donald Trump due to his alleged pressures on the Ukrainian president to investigate the investments of the son of the Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, in Ukraine. Although the New York Stock Exchange trades on Wednesday with slight increases following the optimism of the American president about a trade agreement with China.