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The Ibex falls 2% in the week, but holds the 9,000 despite the collapse of Caixabank and Sabadell

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 01 feb, 2019 09:53 - Actualizado: 01 feb, 2019

Banks continue to weigh on the Ibex 35. CaixaBank and Sabadell have collapsed after publishing results and Bankia, Santander and Bankinter have also fallen. Although the Spanish selective held on to the 9,000 points and has regained ground after marking a minimum intraday in 8,942 integers. The index closed the month of January with a rebound of 6%, in its best start to the year since 2011. However, during the week it drops by 2% and breaks its streak of four consecutive weeks to the upside.