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The Ibex moves away from the key resistance due to the energy and banking sectors

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 08 jul, 2019 09:27 - Actualizado: 08 jul, 2019

The Ibex could not manage to go over the 9,410 points and has continued to move away from this key resistance today, in fact it has also lost the 9,300 points it closed last week. On Monday the European stocks have been dyed red (Ibex: -0.54%, 9.294, Cac: -0.08%, Dax: -0.2%, Ftse 100: -0.05%, Ftse Mib: - 0.04%) amid tensions between Iran and the United States, which continue to worry the market. While the Athens stock market has dropped 1.8% despite the expected triumph of the Conservatives in Greece. In Spain, the electrical sector has been the great ballast this session. All of the companies have fallen, starting with Enagás (-4.8%), amidst the tension caused by the regulatory novelties of the CNMC, together with the banking sector. Five Ibex entities fell over 1%.