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The Ibex falls 2.8% in the week despite the stimuli of the Government and the BCE

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 20 mar, 2020 09:55 - Actualizado: 20 mar, 2020

The Ibex 35 has risen 0.74% to 6,443.30 points, after an intraday high of 6,769 points. This, after a week marked by the great actions of central banks and governments against the coronavirus, in which the Spanish selective has fallen 2.82%. For the following week, there is expected to be more fiscal movements by different countries. Here in Spain it has already happened this week, with an announcement from the Government for the mobilization of 200,000 million euros to stop the virus. But a common and more powerful concerted action is being called for in the euro area to deal forcefully with the situation. While more actions arrive, if something has become clear these days it is that the coronavirus continues to spread, that those affected are increasing and that in Spain the worst has not yet been seen.