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The Ibex expects more stimuli from the European Central Bank with the 8,000 within reach

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 04 jun, 2020 09:34 - Actualizado: 04 jun, 2020

Who would have said it, when the 8,000, and even the 7,000, looked far, far away. However, the Ibex and the rest of the stock markets are unstoppable, they ignore the bad news, and they still want to continue advancing, clinging to the macro 'improvement', to the reopening of the economies and to everything that can be interpreted as good news, while ignore the bad. Experts continue to recommend great caution, and some say that this rally does not hold up with current fundamentals. Be that as it may, there is a desire to move forward and today we will have to see if what the European squares have done these days is to discount what the ECB is going to announce this Thursday - and, therefore, they take it easy - or if they still It is traveled to the sound of more stimuli. For now, futures are down 0.15%.