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The Ibex signs a bullish poker, conquers the 9,800 and marks 18 months highs

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 06 feb, 2020 09:55 - Actualizado: 06 feb, 2020

Non-stop good news. The bags rose in the last session because it seems that the situation with the coronavirus is improving (within the prudent), and that generates hope. In addition, the latest news, with the chaos in the Democratic primary and the acquittal of Donald Trump in the 'impeachment', leave the US president a clear path to be re-elected, and that is what the markets like. To all this is added this Thursday that China has announced, by surprise, that it will reduce tariffs by half to hundreds of US products, worth about $ 75 billion. In this context, the stock markets continue to advance and the Ibex 35 (+ 1%) sets new annual highs and since July 2018 above 9,800 points, after rising almost 5% in the last three sessions.