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Falls from IAG and the banking sector lead the Ibex to a flat close

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 22 may, 2019 10:04 - Actualizado: 22 may, 2019

The Ibex has fallen by 0.07%, to stand at 9,232 points, after tripping over the bad behavior of IAG and the financial sector but held afloat by the good work of the electricity companies. The selective has changed the green for the red at midday and since then, it has maintained the losses. In any case, what is really noticeable is the caution that continues to dominate the stock markets as investors continue to pay attention to two issues: what happens on the other side of the Atlantic (with the commercial war and the Huawei crisis) and what happens in the United Kingdom. (Theresa May has opened the door to a second referendum).