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The Ibex continues to advance towards 9,000 in a day full of relevant references

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 29 abr, 2021 09:39 - Actualizado: 29 abr, 2021

The Ibes has faced a very 'loaded' day this Thursday. The Spanish selective has renewed its annual highs, rising 0.27% (8,823.20 points). The index has 9,000 points in focus and today it has advanced amid a new avalanche of results, highly relevant macro data and stellar stock market premieres. Línea Directa has started trading with a tremendous rise of 23%. Bankinter has fallen by 1.5% after adjusting the spin-off of the insurer (we recall that each shareholder of the bank has received one share from Línea Directa for each share they have in the entity).