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The Ibex cannot reach 8,000 despite the highs of Naturgy and PharmaMar

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 26 ene, 2021 09:33 - Actualizado: 26 ene, 2021

Very busy day in the Spanish stock market this Tuesday. The Ibex 35 has advanced by 0.86% and has remained below 8,000 points despite the rise of Naturgy (+ 15.48%), which has received a partial takeover of 22.69% of its capital, to 23 euros per share, by the Australian pension fund IFM. PharmaMar has also made the news, which has started trading half an hour late and has also risen high on the stock market (+ 21.14%) after the magazine 'Science' published a very favorable article on the use of Aplidin against Covid-19.